Table of contents
Building an owned library of web components
First let's explore the web components of my:
Home Developer Labs where I scale platforms and enhance dev skills, and from time to time freelancing previous requests.
Also, I will use libraries as LIT To build a web component bookshelf, as well as react npm modules.
Why go through this travel? It is a way to sharpen my skills.
Today will be an exploration of a web component to play audio on clicking an image. At the home labs, it will be the otter logo and will play swimming water sounds.
import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import Image from "next/image";
function useAudio(url) {
const [playing, setPlaying] = useState(false);
const audio = useRef(
typeof Audio !== "undefined" ? new Audio(url) : null
useEffect(() => {
playing ? : audio.current.pause();
}, [playing, audio]);
useEffect(() => {
audio.current.addEventListener("ended", () => setPlaying(false));
return () => {
audio.current.removeEventListener("ended", () => setPlaying(false));
}, [audio]);
const toggle = () => setPlaying(!playing);
return [playing, toggle];
function Player ({ url, urlImage, funText }){
const [playing, toggle] = useAudio(url);
return (
<button onClick={toggle}>
{playing ?
( <>
alt="Pulsarforge logo"
alt="Pulsarforge logo"
{playing ?
export default Player;
To call the Player component
<div className="intro-logo">
funText="Muscles Flexing"
At the home labs click the otter logo at the banner section and be surprised by the magic of sound systems.
For the next chapter, I will transform this ReactJS component into a npm module or a web component.
Have a great week, thanks for reading.